Lena’s story begins when the doors of the Grace Children’s Home opened. Her mother, Jacqueline, is one of the house mothers for our boys. Her presence rounded out our census of 15 boys and 1 girl. Over the past few years, we have watched her grow from a little girl to a wonderful young lady. Now 17 years old, Lena has made some choices that has forced a change in her life. On July 19, 2015 she gave birth to a beautiful little girl.
The ordeal remains a strong reminder of the challenges Haitian culture places on females. She became ostracized and shame fell at her feet. Her mother sent her to live with a friend in Dumas, Port-au-Prince. We visited her just 5 days after giving birth. Through God’s grace both baby and mom are healthy. Her living situation is crude and minimalistic. The harsh reality of social pressures forced her to leave the only city she knew.
HOF felt called to show the love of Christ and not turn our back on her in this time of need. With hopes of ensuring a safe environment for mother and child, we have arranged for 1 year’s rent on a room in PaP. ( the cost: $400 ). We remain committed to our children despite the choices they make. Our promise is to help her become the person God has planned. This help may take the course through education, the learning of a trade, or another path not yet revealed. We feel compelled to offer the everlasting love God has for all His children.
We all need to experience the love and grace of God. We thank you for your support and ask for your continued prayer for Lena and her baby.